168 research outputs found

    Ocorrência de incidentes de Segurança do Paciente e Carga de Trabalho de Enfermagem

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scopus; Scielo.Objective: to identify the relationship between the workload of the nursing team and the occurrence of patient safety incidents linked to nursing care in a public hospital in Chile. Method: quantitative, analytical, cross-sectional research through review of medical records. The estimation of workload in Intensive Care Units (ICUs) was performed using the Therapeutic Interventions Scoring System (TISS-28) and for the other services, we used the nurse/patient and nursing assistant/patient ratios. Descriptive univariate and multivariate analysis were performed. For the multivariate analysis we used principal component analysis and Pearson correlation. Results: 879 post-discharge clinical records and the workload of 85 nurses and 157 nursing assistants were analyzed. The overall incident rate was 71.1%. It was found a high positive correlation between variables workload (r = 0.9611 to r = 0.9919) and rate of falls (r = 0.8770). The medication error rates, mechanical containment incidents and self-removal of invasive devices were not correlated with the workload. Conclusions: the workload was high in all units except the intermediate care unit. Only the rate of falls was associated with the workload.Objetivo: identificar la relación entre la carga laboral del equipo de enfermería y la ocurrencia de incidentes de seguridad del paciente relacionados con los cuidados de enfermería en un hospital público de Chile. Método: investigación cuantitativa, analítica, transversal, realizada por revisión de fichas clínicas. La estimación de carga laboral en las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) se realizó utilizando el Índice de Intervenciones Terapéuticas (TISS-28) y, para el resto de los servicios, por la relación enfermera/paciente y auxiliar/paciente. Se realizó análisis descriptivo univariado y multivariado. Para el análisis multivariado se utilizó análisis de componentes principales y el test de correlación de Pearson. Resultados: se revisaron 879 fichas clínicas posteriores al alta y la carga laboral de 85 enfermeras y 157 auxiliares de enfermería. La tasa global de incidentes fue 71,1%. Se encontró correlación positiva alta entre las variables de carga laboral (r = 0,9611 a r = 0,9919) y tasa de caídas (r = 0,8770). Las tasas de error de medicación, incidente por contención mecánica y auto retiro de invasivos no se correlacionaron con la carga laboral. Conclusiones: la carga laboral fue elevada en todas las unidades a excepción de la unidad de cuidados intermedios. Sólo la tasa de caídas se asoció a la carga laboral.Objetivo: identificar a relação entre a carga de trabalho da equipe de enfermagem e a ocorrência de incidentes de segurança dos pacientes ligados aos cuidados de enfermagem de um hospital público no Chile. Método: pesquisa transversal analítica quantitativa através de revisão de prontuários médicos. A estimativa da carga de trabalho em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) foi realizada utilizando o Índice de Intervenções Terapêuticas-TISS-28 e para os outros serviços, foram utilizados os cocientes enfermeira/paciente e auxiliar de enfermagem/ paciente. Foram feitas análises univariada descritiva e multivariada. Para a análise multivariada utilizou-se análise de componentes principais e correlação de Pearson. Resultados: foram analisados 879 prontuáriosclínicos de pós-alta e a carga de trabalho de 85 enfermeiros e 157 auxiliares de enfermagem. A taxa global de incidentes foi de 71,1%. Foi encontrada uma alta correlação positiva entre as variáveis de carga de trabalho (r = 0,9611 para r = 0,9919) e a taxa de quedas (r = 0,8770). As taxas de erro de medicação, incidentes de contenção mecânica e auto remoção de dispositivos invasivos não foram correlacionadas com a carga de trabalho. Conclusões: a carga de trabalho foi elevada em todas as unidades, exceto na unidade de cuidados intermédios. Apenas a taxa de quedas foi associada com a carga de trabalho.http://ref.scielo.org/tv7s8

    Green manure and compost effects on n-p dynamics in mediterranean organic stockless systems

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    Stockless systems, where plant and animal production are uncoupled, represent a common condition in Mediterranean areas. In organic systems, soil fertility is mainly managed by green manures, whereas composts of plant origin represent suitable soil conditioners. The low P content of these materials, together with the shortage of animal waste availability, determine potential nutrient depletion overtime and, in calcareous soils, P mining conditions. In a two-year field experiment in Central Italy, the effect of green manure vetch (Vicia villosa) (GM+) was compared with a control left fallow (GM-), combined with P-based fertilizers (F) on organic maize (Zea mays). Yields and N-P dynamics were evaluated by direct measurements, nutrient balance and efficiency index. N balance was higher than in GM+ GM- (+71.8 and -23.6 kg N ha-1, respectively). P enriched compost with RP (rock-phosphate) (EP), showed significant improvement in P use efficiency (meanly +34%) than other treatments (unfertilized control (RP), not P enriched compost (NEP)) and P equilibrium in the short run. On the other hand, P-fertilizers and maize residues soil incorporation determined P surplus in a long perspective (up to +10 kg P ha-1). Results emphasize the possibility of P reintegration in stockless organic systems without animal wastes

    Mitochondria, Cognitive Impairment, and Alzheimer's Disease

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    To date, the beta amyloid (Aβ) cascade hypothesis remains the main pathogenetic model of Alzheimer's disease (AD), but its role in the majority of sporadic AD cases is unclear. The “mitochondrial cascade hypothesis” could explain many of the biochemical, genetic, and pathological features of sporadic AD. Somatic mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) could cause energy failure, increased oxidative stress, and accumulation of Aβ, which in a vicious cycle reinforce the mtDNA damage and the oxidative stress. Despite the evidence of mitochondrial dysfunction in AD, no causative mutations in the mtDNA have been detected so far. Indeed, results of studies on the role of mtDNA haplogroups in AD are controversial. In this review we discuss the role of the mitochondria, and especially of the mtDNA, in the cascade of events leading to neurodegeneration, dementia, and AD

    Pes cavus and hereditary neuropathies: when a relationship should be suspected

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    The hereditary peripheral neuropathies are a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of diseases of the peripheral nervous system. Foot deformities, including the common pes cavus, but also hammer toes and twisting of the ankle, are frequently present in patients with hereditary peripheral neuropathy, and often represent one of the first signs of the disease. Pes cavus in hereditary peripheral neuropathies is caused by imbalance between the intrinsic muscles of the foot and the muscles of the leg. Accurate clinical evaluation in patients with pes cavus is necessary to exclude or confirm the presence of peripheral neuropathy. Hereditary peripheral neuropathies should be suspected in those cases with bilateral foot deformities, in the presence of family history for pes cavus and/or gait impairment, and in the presence of neurological symptoms or signs, such as distal muscle hypotrophy of limbs. Herein, we review the hereditary peripheral neuropathies in which pes cavus plays a key role as a “spy sign,” discussing the clinical and molecular features of these disorders to highlight the importance of pes cavus as a helpful clinical sign in these rare diseases

    Computed Tomography Predictors of Mortality or Disease Progression in Systemic Sclerosis–Interstitial Lung Disease: A Systematic Review

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    Objective: Although interstitial lung disease (ILD) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in systemic sclerosis (SSc), its prognostication remains challenging. Given that CT represents the gold standard imaging technique in ILD assessment, a systematic review on chest CT findings as predictors of mortality or ILD progression in SSc-ILD was performed. Materials and Methods: Three databases (Medline, Embase, and Web of Science) were searched to identify all studies analyzing CT mortality or ILD progression predictors in SSc-ILD, from inception to December 2020. ILD progression was defined by worsening of forced vital capacity and/or CT ILD findings. Manuscripts not written in English, with not available full-text, not focusing on SSc-ILD or with SSc-ILD not extrapolated, otherwise with overlap syndromes, pediatric patients, <10 cases or predictors other than CT features were excluded. Results: Out of 3,513 citations, 15 full-texts (2,332 patients with SSc-ILD) met the inclusion criteria. ILD extent and extensive ILD, ILD densitometric analysis parameters, fibrotic extent and reticulation extent resulted as independent mortality predictors. Extensive ILD is also an independent predictor of death, need for supplemental oxygen or lung transplantation. Honeycombing extent is an independent risk factor for respiratory mortality. Independent predictors of ILD progression were not identified. Conclusions: ILD extent and extensive ILD independently predict mortality in SSc-ILD on CT, as well as ILD densitometric analysis, fibrotic extent and reticulation extent. Extensive ILD is also a predictor of death, need for supplemental oxygen, or lung transplantation. Honeycombing extent predicts respiratory mortality. CT predictors of ILD progression need to be further investigated. Systematic Review Registration: https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/, PROSPERO, identifier: CRD420202005001